Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Stop Smoking for Life

Are you constantly asking yourself how to stop smoking?  Fighting the addiction of smoking a cigarette and mustering the courage to break away from nicotine dependence is tough!  Almost certainly, there is more than simply a strong mental habit formed…There is also a chemical nicotine addiction that makes it almost impossible to stop smoking. 
The burning question of how to stop smoking in the face of terrible withdrawals plagues smokers.  There is hardly anything worse than the trembling caused by trying to stop smoking and the cold sweats that take place as your body detoxifies from nicotine.  The uneasiness is enough to make you want a cigarette to calm your nerves and stress level which is highly elevated.
How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Tip # 1: Keep Your Hands Occupied in Idle Time
This is an important step when you stop smoking, and it's important to be mindful of the activities with which you choose to keep busy.  Remember that highly stressful situations are triggers for smoking, so make sure you are doing something simple with your hands like playing with a stress ball or something along those lines.
If you are occupying your time by talking on the phone practice holding it in the hand with which you no longer smoke.  Switching up the function of your hands is a sly trick to play on your mind to trigger another association besides the urge to smoke.
How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Tip #2:  Keep Your Mouth Contained
This is one of the trickiest tips when you stop smoking cigarettes because there is a huge potential for weight gain.  Crunchy foods are great, but foods high in saturated fats and Trans fats are not.  If you are a vegetable eater, carrot sticks or celery sticks will do you just fine.  They are a healthy snack that will satisfy your need to crunch or bite.  If you want the crunch and aren't big on raw veggies, nuts are an excellent alternative in which healthy essential oils are present that will actually help you stop smoking.
If you decide to rely on gum or candy, be mindful that gum loaded with sugar is the equivalent to chewing on cavities.  Sugar free gum or – better yet – nicotine gum may be a wiser choice
How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Tip # 3: Break at Work With a Brisk Walk
Break time for smokers has always been smoke time.  In order to stop smoking successfully, you need to create another habit like brisk walking that's refreshing.  You can maximize the benefit of your walk by taking long, controlled breaths.  The delivery of oxygen to your brain and lungs will revitalize you and provide a soothing calm to your nerves.  If you don't like to be alone, try finding a non-smoker among your colleagues to walk with you for support.
How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Tip # 4 – Affirm You Are a Non-Smoke
As cheesy as the concept of affirmations sound, it is a highly effective tool in allowing your brain to think as a non-smoker when you stop smoking cigarettes.  Even though the urge to smoke will arise often and your initial thought will be to say, "I want a cigarette," try replacing it with, "I am a non-smoker and this craving will pass."
How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Tip # 5: Curb Your Physical Craving
If you have tried time and time again to stop smoking cold turkey and wound up picking cigarettes back up in a few days, there is a scientific reason why:  Your body NEEDS nicotine.  Because smoking is a two-fold addiction, you need to combat each symptom of nicotine addiction one step at a time.  In order to calm your initial cravings, you need a smoke deter product that is capable of minimizing your physical cravings so you can work on beating the habit
If you want to break free from the chains of nicotine addiction, there is help available.  You can learn how to stop smoking cigarettes and finally live smoke free!
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/quit-smoking-articles/stop-smoking-cigarettes-how-to-stop-smoking-for-life-with-these-quit-smoking-tips-3776663.html
About the Author

Smoking affects at least 40 million Americans, 25 million of whom are destined to die a horrible death if they do not conquer their addiction.  YOU CAN QUIT!!!! I know because I am a successful non-smoker.  I will help you every step of the way.  If you have questions or just need to chat when you have a craving, contact me or a non-smoker you trust to talk you through it.
Nicotine is a real addiction and there is hope of beating it with the right tools and support.  I would love to hear any questions or apprehensions about beating your smoking addiction.
If you need to learn how to quit smoking and free yourself from the bondage of addiction, find more stop smoking tips at http://stop-smoking-now-for-life.com/stop-smoking-tips.php

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