Friday, September 23, 2011

Peritoneal Mesothelioma - Causes, symptoms and treatments

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a disease that occurs in the membrane of the peritoneum. Before going ahead we will take a look what is the membrane of the peritoneum.

The peritoneum membrane is divided into parietal and visceral peritoneum. The visceral peritoneum lines the intestinal tract and abdominal organs. And the parietal peritoneum envelope the abdominal cavity. These layers to protect internal organs and also secrete fluids that lubricate the bodies facilitating easy movement of organs in the abdominal cavity.


As in the case of all types of mesothelioma, asbestos is considered the main cause of Peritoneal Mesothelioma. Asbestos can be fatal for the body and can cause cancer and other serious diseases.

Asbestos dust causes important damage when it enters the body. Dust may enter the body in two ways.

First, it can enter the body through the lungs during respiration. In this case, the dust moves in ganglia lymph and reaches the peritoneal cavity. Second, it may be because the involuntary ingestion in working with asbestos.

It can also occur due to passive inhalation of asbestos dust. This is called tail piece Passive exposure. The clothing of a worker who works in the middle of the asbestos catches the dust between the layers of fabric. When these clothes are washed, or used by another person, of asbestos dust entering the body of this person.


Peritoneal Mesothelioma has a very long latency period. It takes the symptoms about 20-30 years to become evident. The symptoms are only from the final stage of the disease. At the time wherever the disease is diagnosed as Peritoneal Mesothelioma it will be too late to provide useful medicines.

Another problem concerning the diagnosis of this disease is that its symptoms are similar to some of the more common and less severe diseases. Some of these symptoms are fever, anemia, weight loss, abdominal pain and bowel obstruction.

The doctor is therefore more likely to provide an inaccurate diagnosis. It is therefore important to inform the doctor at the earliest on any exposure to asbestos in the past. This will allow the doctor treat the disease in its early stages.


The type of treatment of the disease depends on various factors such as the severity of the disease, the age of the patient, the health of the patient and his medical history.

The traditional treatment for Peritoneal Mesothelioma are chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. The surgery is performed only if the tumor grew in size and is incurable by other treatment. Chemotherapy, anti-carcinogen drugs are introduced into the body by a pill or a needle.

There has been ongoing coherent research to develop effective treatments for this disease. Improvements in medical sciences and related technologies have led to the development of some new methods of treatment. Intra-operative Photodynamic therapy of therapy, immunotherapy and gene are some of the latest methods in the medical field to treat this often fatal disease.

Photodynamic therapy intraoperative uses light and drugs to destroy cancer cells. It is also used to study the early stages of mesothelioma. Immunotherapy aims to increase the immunity of body the person, his. Immunity is the ability of the body against harmful substances. This therapy is also used to strengthen immunity to cancer cells.

It also found that mesothelioma can be healed by rectifying certain genes of the body. For this same purpose, gene therapy is currently testing with possible treatment. Gene therapy helps correct the defective genes of the body, but this process, with immunotherapy, was not introduced in hospitals but they are always under medical supervision.

There are many treatments for mesothelioma, but no single treatment is able to heal the single patient anti-tank. Physicians has therefore adopt a multimodal transport approach. This means that a combination of many treatments are used instead of a single treatment. There are several factors that determine the type of combination of treatments to be used, and varies according to the case.

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