Thursday, January 12, 2012

Never Snore Again: 7 Tips You Can't Miss

Author: Ross Cohen

Snoring affects both men and women and the people they are sleeping beside. Here are some tips to get you thinking in the right direction.
  1. Allergies - A lot of snoring can be due to allergies. The clogging of your nasal passages can produce the vibrations of snoring. So, get your allergies under control with medication or through your doctor. This may just stop your snoring altogether. Dehumidifiers sometimes work as well as taking an antihistamine before going to sleep.
  2. Regular Sleep - Stick to a regular sleep schedule. Get up and go to bed at the regular times. Getting the right amount of sleep is going to help prevent you from snoring.
  3. Pregnant Women & Snoring - If you are pregnant and start to snore, it is important that you go see your doctor right away. While it may just be because of the excess weight or hormonal changes that are going on in your body during this time, it could be taking away from the amount of oxygen that your baby is getting.
  4. Radio Frequency Tissue Reduction - This might be a procedure to consider if your snoring just won't go away. A doctor will insert a needle underneath your tongue, reducing the amount of tissue that can vibrate and still leave the taste buds intact. Talk to you doctor about this procedure and if it's right for you.
  5. Sleeping With Your Partner - If you sleep beside your partner at night and they snore, you might start to develop a resentment that will put strain on the relationship. Sleeping alone may cause loneliness and isolation between you. The snoring may be at the center of your arguing. Try to communicate effectively and work as a team on the snoring problem. If both parties remain calm but active in attacking the snoring problem, you'll put less strain on your relationship.
  6. Avoid Heavy Meals Before Bed - Don't eat too much before bed. This can put added pressure on your respiratory system and lead to snoring. Caffeine has been known to be a cause of snoring, too.
  7. Throat Exercises - You can strengthen your throat and prevent it from relaxing too much at night through exercising your throat. If you're embarrassed to do it in front of someone, then do it in the shower in the morning. Repeat the vowels A, E, I, O and U out loud for 3 minutes a day. Put your tongue on the top part of your teeth and slide it backwards down your palate. 3 minutes a day can strengthen your throat muscles. Open your mouth and move your jaw to the left, hold it for 30 seconds. Do the same for the right side. Purse your lips for 30 seconds and then release.
These tips are going to go a long way in improving many different aspects of your life by attacking just one issue. Snoring is a problem that can have adverse consequences, not just for you but for everyone around you. Take action and be a part of your own solution to stop snoring.
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About the Author

Visit for tips & tricks to help you stop snoring ranging from natural remedies to the highest-rated products.

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